Final Premier Video

Green Juices can be very tasty drinks that also have amazing health benefits. Anybody can make them. All that is needed are fruits, vegetables and a juicer.

I made this video to  demonstrate the simple process of making a green juice. Of course the ideal option would be to grow your own fruits and vegetables but for the sake of keeping the process simple, this video starts in a grocery store produce section. It shows all of the ingredients needed for the green juice. The video then takes us to the kitchen where the juice making process is highlighted and ends with the finished project. A delicious and healthy glass of green juice.

The story board goes like this:

Initial shot of grocery store :05

Shot of apples :05

Shot of greens :05

Shot of cucumbers :05

Shot of parsley :05

Shot of lemons :05

Shot of ginger :05

cut to juice making video :30

Shot of finished juice .03

Credits :02

The video and music credits as well as the initial editing process are discussed in my previous post.

The final edits that I made included cutting out the shots of the less attractive fruits and vegetables, shortening the ingredient clips and adding transitions in between ingredients. I also added the cucumber footage that was left out on the draft and added a better starting shot of the grocery store.

The last edit that I made was to change the title from “Making a Green Juice” to “Fresh to Finish- A Green Juice Story”

I did receive feedback about adding a recipe but after much thought I decided against it for two reasons:

  1. I thought that it took away from the simplicity of the video.
  2. The beauty of juicing is that there is no set recipe. Mixing and matching ingredients to suit you own personal taste is part of the fun.

Here is my final video:



Premier Draft

The purpose of this video is to show the process of making a green juice from start to finish.

The video starts out a a grocery store where I filmed footage of the ingredients that would be needed to make a simple yet tasty green juice.

I then needed to get some footage that demonstrated the simple process of making a green juice. I currently did not have my own juicer available at the time so I found a video on youtube that gave creative commons permission to edit and publish the material.

Here is a link to the video entitled Gaby’s Favorite Green Juice:

I edited out all of the talking in this video as well as cut out the areas where she labeled her own ingredients. I only wanted the simple process of juicing and the final results.

After editing my own footage and the you tube footage I added titles to the the video.

I then set to find some background music.  I wanted something upbeat and fun that would set a light mood and give off the impression that juicing is fun and easy.

I found this song on Titled: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon that has a creative commons licence as well:

Little Lily Swing (Tri-Tachyon) / CC BY 4.0


Here is my draft video:

Final Audio Story

When I was creating this I was thinking of radio shows that I have listened to in the past such as NPR or other talk radio shows.  One thing that stands out in my memory of these shows was they almost always started with a clip of catchy music before they jump into the topic that they wanted to discuss. I chose to follow that format with this audio story.

I song that I chose is called “These Days’ by Robin Grey and is a creative commons song that I found on

I chose this song because I felt like it was upbeat and catchy but at the same time captures the sound of authentic string music which is actually very popular in Colorado right now. Since the show is focused on being a local Colorado show, I felt using this song would give it more of a Colorado feel.

With the topic itself I wanted to give the impression that the topic was more than just a feature of a local business but that it also reflected a current popular trend that was newsworthy. To do this I introduced the topic by mentioning two well-known magazines that have ran articles about green juice in the last 30 days.

The two magazines are Forbes and Men’s Journal. Here are links to those articles.

I then wrote a script for the introduction of the interview and recorded it. I then took the music, my script, and an earlier recorded interview and put them all together for this story.

For my final revision of this product the main feedback that I received was that my interview’s voice was too quiet and that there were some filler words and silent spaces in the audio.

To fix this I went through the audio and raised the volume on all of her speaking parts. I also used the razor and move tools to cut out most of the filler words and silent spaces during the interview.

I think the final version flows much better and is a good audio piece.


Colorado Local News Features Green Frog Juice Bar!

Good Day Everybody!

This is my draft audio story that features an interview with the creator of Green Frog Juice Bar and Superfoods.


When I was creating this I was thinking of radio shows that I have listened to in the past such as NPR or other talk radio shows.  One thing that stands out in my memory of these shows was they almost always started with a clip of catchy music before they jump into the topic that they wanted to discuss. I chose to follow that format with this audio story.

I song that I chose is called “These Days’ by Robin Grey and is a creative commons song that I found on

I chose this song because I felt like it was upbeat and catchy but at the same time captures the sound of authentic string music which is actually very popular in Colorado right now. Since the show is focused on being a local Colorado show, I felt using this song would give it more of a Colorado feel.

With the topic itself I wanted to give the impression that the topic was more than just a feature of a local business but that it also reflected a current popular trend that was newsworthy. To do this I introduced the topic by mentioning two well-known magazines that have ran articles about green juice in the last 30 days.

The two magazines are Forbes and Men’s Journal. Here are links to those articles.

I then wrote a script for the introduction of the interview and recorded it. I then took the music, my script, and an earlier recorded interview and put them all together for this story.


Reinventing the Green Frog- Final Logos

When I began to envision a logo for Green Frog Juice Bar I saw an image of a frog drinking a tasty green juice. I wanted the logo to be fun and playful while still keeping it simple.  The name of Green Frog  allowed me to play with different shades of green and also tied in with have a green juice.   I wanted the colors to be bright and attractive.

When I first set out to make this logo I reviewed several pictures of frogs and frog related logos to decide if I wanted to try a whole frog body or just a frog face.  I originally decided that a frog face drinking a green juice would be the best option.

After watching a few tutorials on how to draw frogs in illustrator I gave it a shot. My draft logo looked like this.


When I received feedback on this logo there were a few main points that I wanted to focus on. The first was improving the frog. To improve the frog I replaced the smile with a mouth by using the ellipse tool and the pathfinder tool.  To make the eyes match I grouped one eye together and then copied it. I then rotated the eyes and moved them behind the rest of the face to hide the bottom of the circles.  I felt that seeing the whole circle made the frog look tired and old and that was definitely not the message I wanted to convey. I also made the nose smaller and trimmed down the head.

The feedback that the juice looked gross and dirty was very accurate so I changed the color of it and lessened the stroke.  In the end with the changes I made with the frog I couldn’t fit the juice into the logo without making it look cluttered so I took it out.  I still liked the concept though, so I used it to create a separate logo as shown below.

The last major feedback was that I needed something to bring it all together so that the aspects of the logo weren’t just floating in space. To do this, I placed a bright green circle behind the frogs face and placed the text underneath it.

I did experiment with gradient but in the end I just couldn’t see how it improved the frog so I left it as is.

These are the two final logos that I came up with that used both the frog’s face and the cup of juice:

Green-Frog-Logo-1 Green-Frog-Logo-2

Designing a Green Frog Logo

I have never considered myself to be artistic when it comes to designs and images, so when I realized that I would need to create an image from scratch in illustrator as part of a logo I started to sweat it a little. When I envisioned the logo for Green Frog Juice Bar and Superfoods  I thought of a big green frog drinking a delicious juice. The problem was that I had no idea how to draw a frog on paper or on illustrator.

My first step was to google pictures of frogs and frog logos just to get an idea of what my frog should look like. I then searched for different ways to draw frogs in illustrator.  I found three of four different tutorials but the one I liked the best showed how to draw a happy frog.

You can watch it here:

I took some of the basic steps from this tutorial to start my frog.  As you can tell he still needs a little bit of work. I then rotated him to give the appearance of tilting his head back. I then used the ellipse tool and the line segment tool to create a juice. I put the juice next to the frog and placed the straw by his mouth.

For the text on the logo I wanted the words GREEN FROG to stand out and I wanted them to be all caps. I also wanted to use a fun font to give off the feeling or happy or care free. I then used a smaller font size for the rest of the text.

For the final I want to fine tune my frog image so that he looks more recognizable as a frog and really demonstrate that he is enjoying his juice.

I see this logo being used on a sign or on a poster in a window mainly but could also be scaled down and used for smaller projects as well.


Final Narrative Graphic Collage

Have you ever been so busy that you just forget to eat?

Sometimes this happens to me. I get so involved in work or a project that I’m working on that I end up skipping meals.  When my brain finally realizes that my body needs some food I head to the closest fast food available, grab a quick meal, and get right back to work.

For many people this kind of scenario can happen almost everyday and let’s be honest that is no way to treat your body.

Giving your body healthy food and providing it with the nutrients that it needs can be time consuming.  It takes effort and that’s why many people don’t do it.

One of the best ways to get a good amount of the nutrients that your body needs is by juicing. It’s quick and easy and juice if chalk full of good things for your body. Even if you don’t have time to juice yourself it’s easy to stop by a local juice bar or smoothie shop and grab something on the go.

I have created a collage to show an example of this concept. It would take a good amount of time and determination for me to each five apples throughout the day and maybe three or four salads full of greens and veggies. But if I drink a juice containing a lot of these nutritious foods it only take five minutes out of my day.

This is my draft collage.


I used three images from

To read about the specific techniques I used on this draft please refer to my previous post explaining the process.

I received some really great feedback from my classmates and I decided that word “drank” was awkward and that having two different colors of text was not the best in this situation. So I changed the wording of the first question. I then added a gray box to the bottom of the page so that I could use white text without it blending in.

Also everyone noticed the big black spots on the green background. Originally when I first published my draft I just though this was part of the background graphic and was considering finding a new background.  Then I started moving the layers around I discovered that the weird black marks weren’t on the background.  It was easy enough to isolate the culprit layer and erase the marks.

The most challenging part of the collage was eliminating the white box from around the glass and blending the edges of the glass into the rest of the collage.  For this I used different variations of the erase and the blur tool and got it to look much better in my final.

I also eliminated some of the words in the last sentence because it felt to wordy. For the last steps I cropped the edges and moved the glass around to be more prominent in front of the table.  I also eliminated so of the table and apples and cleaned up some random stray mark throughout the collage.

Here is my final collage.
