
Hello, My name is Ryan Weeks and I am currently pursuing my Masters Degree in Strategic Communications from Washington State University. I am creating this blog to use as a professional portfolio to showcase the skills that I will learn during this semester.

I am currently employed full time in the protocol office at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in Idaho Falls, Idaho. My responsibilities include coordinating tours, VIP visits, and special events for the lab.

Prior to working at INL I spent eight years in the tourist industry working for scenic railroads in Alaska and Colorado. While living in these states I started to learn about the importance of eating natural and organic fruits and vegetable that were grown locally. I also began to see the benefits of fresh juice and smoothies. My partner Melinda, is a very skilled at using fruits, vegetables, and superfood to create some of the most delicious drinks I have ever tasted.

I hope to someday help her open her own juice bar: Green Frog Juice Bar and Superfoods.



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