Final Premier Video

Green Juices can be very tasty drinks that also have amazing health benefits. Anybody can make them. All that is needed are fruits, vegetables and a juicer.

I made this video to  demonstrate the simple process of making a green juice. Of course the ideal option would be to grow your own fruits and vegetables but for the sake of keeping the process simple, this video starts in a grocery store produce section. It shows all of the ingredients needed for the green juice. The video then takes us to the kitchen where the juice making process is highlighted and ends with the finished project. A delicious and healthy glass of green juice.

The story board goes like this:

Initial shot of grocery store :05

Shot of apples :05

Shot of greens :05

Shot of cucumbers :05

Shot of parsley :05

Shot of lemons :05

Shot of ginger :05

cut to juice making video :30

Shot of finished juice .03

Credits :02

The video and music credits as well as the initial editing process are discussed in my previous post.

The final edits that I made included cutting out the shots of the less attractive fruits and vegetables, shortening the ingredient clips and adding transitions in between ingredients. I also added the cucumber footage that was left out on the draft and added a better starting shot of the grocery store.

The last edit that I made was to change the title from “Making a Green Juice” to “Fresh to Finish- A Green Juice Story”

I did receive feedback about adding a recipe but after much thought I decided against it for two reasons:

  1. I thought that it took away from the simplicity of the video.
  2. The beauty of juicing is that there is no set recipe. Mixing and matching ingredients to suit you own personal taste is part of the fun.

Here is my final video:



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