Premier Draft

The purpose of this video is to show the process of making a green juice from start to finish.

The video starts out a a grocery store where I filmed footage of the ingredients that would be needed to make a simple yet tasty green juice.

I then needed to get some footage that demonstrated the simple process of making a green juice. I currently did not have my own juicer available at the time so I found a video on youtube that gave creative commons permission to edit and publish the material.

Here is a link to the video entitled Gaby’s Favorite Green Juice:

I edited out all of the talking in this video as well as cut out the areas where she labeled her own ingredients. I only wanted the simple process of juicing and the final results.

After editing my own footage and the you tube footage I added titles to the the video.

I then set to find some background music.  I wanted something upbeat and fun that would set a light mood and give off the impression that juicing is fun and easy.

I found this song on Titled: Little Lily Swing by Tri-Tachyon that has a creative commons licence as well:

Little Lily Swing (Tri-Tachyon) / CC BY 4.0


Here is my draft video:

7 thoughts on “Premier Draft

  1. First off, I really like that you have laid out your blog entry in short paragraphs (a sentence or two max) just like a newspaper. I really appreciate the brevity because of this set up. I know you are citing the video you reused but I recommend you add it to the bottom as something of less importance and boost your video to the top to avoid any confusion. Had I not read your blog I wouldn’t have necessarily know which was which. Bravo on the music you chose, it is super catchy and upbeat, and I really like how the beat hit when you switched shots in the beginning. My husband was on the other side of the room and said, I don’t know what you’re watching but that song makes me want to buy that product.

    My only critique is to shorten the clips of the ingredients. The video is about “making green juice” yet it takes 1:12 to start making the juice. Most of all I think the clips should be shorter because even though there’s movement when shooting the fruits and veggies it is still a shot of the same thing. Consider cutting each to about 3 seconds. I know you still have the one minute minimum to consider but the shot about making juice is 43 seconds so I think it is do-able. Overall I really like this video, it makes me want to go shopping for veggies and try this out.


  2. Ryan,

    Great work on your draft video. I like the subject matter and the quality of the video clips. The video clips were strung together and I liked the quality of smooth transitions between the clips. I also liked the music that you added to the video, I think it was very good for the subject matter and was positive and upbeat.

    As far as making improvements, here are two ideas you may consider. The first suggestion I have would be to add exact ingredients and quantities to the video so someone could watch the video and have the knowledge to make it themselves.

    The second opportunity to enhance the video would be to remove the last five seconds of black screen from the conclusion. After the final credits are done, the ending is a little awkward with about 5 seconds of downtime. Maybe you could fade something out longer to eat up the time at the end.

    Great rough draft, I look forward to see what the final version is like. Nice job.



  3. Hi Ryan,

    Great video! Love the music. I have a wonderful juicer that has been sitting in its original packaging since I got it for Christmas … two years ago!!!! Maybe I should dust it off and give it a try.

    Critique 1: Include the recipe!!! When you show the ingredients, include how much of each. At the end you can include the full recipe in one screen. I know some juices advertise that they are really good for inflammation, digestion, hair, skin, nails, morning, etc. What is your green juice good for? Overall? Perhaps include some suggestions as to where people can go to get good juices who also do not have a juicer. Any favorite juice bars or brands that people could pick up?

    Critique 2: (Kind of the same as Critique 1 but I’m trying to come up with 2!) Maybe include something about why those specific ingredients and the health benefits or flavor benefits. I love the taste of ginger but a lot of people may not know that it adds a kick of spice plus it’s healthy.

    Love the name – does Green Frog Juice Bar exist? If not, it should!


    1. Hi, thanks for the feedback. Green Frog Juice Bar does exist… kind of. My wife sell juice to our community and at farmers markets but she doesn’t have her own store front yet… working on that part. 🙂


  4. Thanks for all of the feedback. It is very helpful and useful.
    I noticed that multiple request for the recipe itself so in the final I might include that as part of the title to keep the viewer more engaged.
    I also saw the suggestion to shorten up the clips of the fruits a veggies a little bit. I also thought these might be a little long and in the final I want to cut out some of that as well. Especially that parts where the fruits and veggies doing look as good. I noticed that the greens in one short were starting to yellow and didn’t look as fresh so I will be editing that out as well.
    For my own critique I noticed that I forgot to add a clip of cucumbers for the ingredient part even though it is still in the juice making part so I will need to do that.
    Also the beginning clips of the grocery store didn’t work out very well. They were supposed to show the organic, local produce signs where instead they just showed half empty shelves so I need to get some better footage for those shots.
    I also am going to add some transitions in between the different clips.
    Thanks for the feedback!


  5. Hi Ryan,

    Great first draft! I feel this is a straightforward way to show the class how to make a delicious (and healthy) smoothie. I agree with previous sentiments that your blog writing style is good for “getting to the point” and keeping things short – brevity is key!

    Now, for a couple of minor recommendations for your video story. First, I’d recommend shortening the length of the shots of each ingredient. Some of these shots seem to linger a bit too long, and it’d help tighten up your visual narrative. Second, I would recommend adding a narrative track to your video, even if it is a simple introductory statement – something to help the viewer know what they’re in store for. Other than these minor tweaks, I think you have a strong start and look forward to seeing the final product!


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