Reinventing the Green Frog- Final Logos

When I began to envision a logo for Green Frog Juice Bar I saw an image of a frog drinking a tasty green juice. I wanted the logo to be fun and playful while still keeping it simple.  The name of Green Frog  allowed me to play with different shades of green and also tied in with have a green juice.   I wanted the colors to be bright and attractive.

When I first set out to make this logo I reviewed several pictures of frogs and frog related logos to decide if I wanted to try a whole frog body or just a frog face.  I originally decided that a frog face drinking a green juice would be the best option.

After watching a few tutorials on how to draw frogs in illustrator I gave it a shot. My draft logo looked like this.


When I received feedback on this logo there were a few main points that I wanted to focus on. The first was improving the frog. To improve the frog I replaced the smile with a mouth by using the ellipse tool and the pathfinder tool.  To make the eyes match I grouped one eye together and then copied it. I then rotated the eyes and moved them behind the rest of the face to hide the bottom of the circles.  I felt that seeing the whole circle made the frog look tired and old and that was definitely not the message I wanted to convey. I also made the nose smaller and trimmed down the head.

The feedback that the juice looked gross and dirty was very accurate so I changed the color of it and lessened the stroke.  In the end with the changes I made with the frog I couldn’t fit the juice into the logo without making it look cluttered so I took it out.  I still liked the concept though, so I used it to create a separate logo as shown below.

The last major feedback was that I needed something to bring it all together so that the aspects of the logo weren’t just floating in space. To do this, I placed a bright green circle behind the frogs face and placed the text underneath it.

I did experiment with gradient but in the end I just couldn’t see how it improved the frog so I left it as is.

These are the two final logos that I came up with that used both the frog’s face and the cup of juice:

Green-Frog-Logo-1 Green-Frog-Logo-2

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